One-to-one residency with d’bi.young
Hello practitioner, welcome to One-to-One Residency in the Anitafrika Method with d'bi.young anitafrika. You will be guided through the following three stages of the Anitafrika Method while you develop creative work during your residency: Self-in-Transformation, Self-in-Practice and Self-in-Community.
The program options: 7 days, 14 days, or 21 days which is inclusive of:
program instruction
artist resource kit
quietude practice
movement practice
Program fee does not include:
return flight and airport transfer to residency location
travel insurance
visa (if applicable)
The residency includes an artist resource kit, 1-3 weeks of instruction with d’bi.young anitafrika (depending on program length), a residency package, month-long access to Dubbin Praxis: Intro to the Anitafrika Method (living e-workbook) three-month streaming access to pre-recorded private residency lectures by d’bi.young anitafrika, month-long streaming access to The Sankofa Trilogy featuring three biomyth monodramas by d’bi.young anitafrika: Blood.Claat, Benu & Word! Sound! Powah!